The Author

Harshada Joshi is a Sr. Content Creator at She holds Content Creation Experience in Marketing, Sales, and SEO based content.

Quick and Legit Ways to Make Money Online
40+ Quick and Legit Ways to Make Money Online in 2024

Extra income opportunities is a thing that no one wants to miss. But with a full-time job making money online is a challenging task. After reading this blog, you will know how to make money online and generate a good passive income stream.  As most things are digital nowadays, why don’t you prefer this medium… Read More

11 October 2023
Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business in 2023
Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business in 2023

One research predicts ad spending in digital advertising marketing to touch an impressive figure of $679 billion this year which will make search advertising with a market volume of nearly $280 billion. With more and more companies now getting acquainted with digital trends due to the present-day craze and demand for it, businesses approach digital… Read More

30 June 2023
Maximizing Your Google Ads Budget For Better ROI
Maximizing Your Google Ads Budget For Better ROI: Tips And Strategies

I don’t suppose you need any introduction to Google’s advertising system, formerly known as Google AdWord, now known as Google Ads. If you use it, you know it can bring in a lot of conversions (purchases, room bookings, etc.), but I’m sure you also know that if it’s set up right, it does it all… Read More

12 June 2023
Things Visitors Expect To A Website To Have
Things Visitors Expect To A Website To Have

When a user comes to the homepage of your website, what do they expect to see? If you haven’t thought about this question before, your website is not functioning at its full potential. For the people who don’t know about you or your business, your website is the element they will relate to. And if… Read More

5 December 2022
What Is Marketing Automation
What Is Marketing Automation [Types,Benefits,Plans,Tools]

Introduction Marketing automation software can allow you to measure & optimize your marketing workflows for both new & old leads. Automation tools can help you with everything, from automating email marketing to helping with content marketing and chat communication. You can easily use these tools to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns. What Is Marketing… Read More

16 November 2022
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