When the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, it brought a big change. Education was distributed to the masses. Popular Renaissance artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, learned from books and wrote new books to share his knowledge to the next generation. In those days, it served as a payment source for the authors…. Read More
Prior to diving into the important WordPress security plugins, let’s first check an example. Suppose you purchase a new house. This new investment though seems to excite you but requires a hefty down-payment, you’re most likely not used to spending. Additionally, you’re hit with inspection fees prior to buying. Next are the mortgage and insurance… Read More
Planning to build an online platform for your business? It’s an important step towards your business growth. Now, you will get listed among the 6 billion plus people that have their websites online. Amazing! Your website acts as the heart of your business. Whenever it is working properly, your business will breathe without any suffocation… Read More
WordPress – very much known to all. Do I need to tell you about it? Let me as some of you might still don’t know it. WordPress is the most popular and open-source CMS that is used to build websites and blogs. Believe me it offers the easiest way to develop a website. This is… Read More
Have you made your first WordPress website live. That’s your first achievement in the field of web development for which you spent a lot of time, resources and energy to learn as well as master the ultra-popular WordPress publishing platform. After a long time, you have now built the website of your dreams. Do you… Read More
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