We all know how important it is to be present on the internet. But how to start? The subject looks complicated, but it’s not really a seven-headed creature. In this article, I will explain the main steps on how to host a website and thus ensure a good web presence. 1. Register a domain 2…. Read More
Practically everyone who is starting up or has experience with site creation has already encountered this doubt: when it comes to hosting a site, which platform should I choose? Linux or Windows hosting? This question may raise other doubts, for example: “I have never used Linux, will I be able to publish my site?” Or… Read More
You decide to create a website for your company or service and you are faced with a series of acronyms and complicated terms. CSS, HTML, and other terms may confuse people who are not accustomed to the language involved in creating and maintaining web pages. In this scenario, two terms can cause major confusion. Domain… Read More
You are happy in life because you have finally published your website. It’s working just fine, the audience is growing and everything seems to go very well until suddenly your site goes down. For those who have a website, there is no bigger nightmare than this one. Right? The truth is that having a website… Read More
Are you creating a website and now need to choose a good hosting? If you are in doubt about which to hire, rest assured: you are not alone. Many people are faced with this question and are left without knowing where to start. In this article, we’ll explain how to choose a good hosting in… Read More
When someone wants to create a website or put it on the air, the first thing that comes to mind is: to whom should I turn to perform this service? After all, the knowledge related to the areas of technology, development, and design is required and not everyone knows about this. Therefore, it is common… Read More
The web hosting service has many features similar to those found on personal computers. Among them, we can highlight disk space, processing, and RAM. In this article, we will deal exclusively with RAM and its applications in the universe of web hosting. Let’s understand what it is, what it does and how companies make it… Read More
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