You have landed on the right blog to find the best website monitoring tools. But wait! Do you analyze why this website monitoring is so crucial? Well, it determines your website’s health, uptime, and SEO performance. That’s why reliable web hosting providers offer some website monitoring tools for uptime monitoring and resource activity inspection. This… Read More
How can Ubuntu be overlooked when creating a list of free operating systems? Whenever you are installing OS on VPS hosting, dedicated hosting server, or on your personal computer, Ubuntu might be your favorite choice! After all, it is suitable for beginners. But what is Ubuntu? What are the features of Ubuntu? According to reports,… Read More
Do you want to create a website or application? If so, you’ve probably heard of frameworks that make the development process easier. CodeIgniter is one of the best PHP frameworks used in various industries. But what exactly is CodeIgniter? What role does it play in PHP development? These are some of the questions you might… Read More
A web developer needs different frameworks to build their websites. Sometimes it could be the best PHP frameworks also like Laravel. However, meeting the distinctive needs of web development tasks and projects is not possible with one web framework. There is a popular Java framework Spring Boot which can be considered as the Laravel alternative… Read More
Do you know what is the communication channel of computers and web hosting servers? It is called the Internet Protocol Address or IP address. Because of IP addresses, you can send emails and even read this blog. There are different versions available of this address which are IPv4 and IPv6. You might get puzzled about… Read More
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Laravel. It is one of the best PHP frameworks that has transformed the web development task! Are you also a PHP developer? You might have worked on Laravel in various projects! But my article is all about beginners who do not have hands-on experience in this programming language. They… Read More
Hypertext Mark-up Language, abbreviated as HTML, serves as the standard markup language for crafting web pages. It facilitates the construction and organization of web page components like sections, paragraphs, and links through HTML elements, which include tags and attributes as fundamental building blocks. Use Cases of HTML include: Web Development: Developers utilize HTML code to… Read More
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