What is Metaverse? All You Need To Know

Updated on 2 August 2024 6 min Read
what is metaverse

The Story Of Metaverse Has Just Gone Viral! If you have heard the talk about Facebook rebranding to “Meta,” you must have probably heard about the buzzing concept of metaverse.

This term has become popular in just a few days, and yes, today is known as the “Next-generation of the Internet.” But do you know the exact meaning of why it’s known as the next generation of the internet?

Let’s get to know with a short example!

Imagine you are just walking down a road, and suddenly you think of a product you need to purchase. Immediately, you get to see a vending machine next to you that’s filled with the products and variations you were thinking of.

You immediately stop at the point, choose an item from the vending machine, it’s shipped your way, and then continue on your way. So, this is how the metaverse “Works”! 

Welcome to metaverse! An alternate digital reality where people work, play and even socialize. This blog explains everything about the metaverse and its future! 

Give it a read!

The Origin of Metaverse

It all started with just a statement in a novel! 

Metaverse was first coined in 1992 by a British Novelist, Neal Stephenson. He wrote a novel named “Snow Crash,” and the term metaverse was mentioned in this novel.

Here he explains metaverse as a virtual environment where digital avatars can interact with each other. The scope and evolution of the metaverse did not stop in 1992, rather it kept ongoing.

In time, virtual interactive worlds or early metaverses were introduced in video games. This is how the metaverse originated and has reached a stage, where its presence is spreading into every corner! 

What Exactly is Metaverse?

The metaverse meaning is hard to pin down. But to put it in simple words, Metaverse is a kind of virtual world that users can explore using digital avatars. It goes beyond just gaming and allows users to interact virtually and experience various activities in real-time.

It is basically a parallel digital universe that offers unique experiences to the users all in the virtual world that seems real. These virtual worlds can be accessed via VR headsets, smartphones, or computers.

With A Metaverse, You Can!

  • Connect with friends
  • Go to a virtual concert
  • Go on a long trip online
  • Buy and try digital clothing

And more!

The concept of metaverse is all because of the newest technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Blockchain Technology.

Related: 5 Metaverse VR Trends of The 2022

The Gist of Metaverse

Metaverse is Immersive

It’s good to take an example of what exactly immersive means. Let’s say you are watching a video. In the case of immersive technology, you will be in the video.

You can walk around to get better perspectives and angles. You can even use your hands to interact with things. It also lets you use voice to give commands or communicate with other people in the “area”.

Even though the metaverse can be accessed on the 2D platform it is now going to come in the 3D version.

It’s Interactive

Metaverse is interactive! In simple words, it’s an interactive group of virtual worlds that is combined to act like the real world.

Indeed, there are many options to communicate with people in the metaverse. Like we can talk in the metaverse, we can read and write. Additionally, we can communicate in the metaverse as the digital avatars and with the other digital elements.

It’s Persistent

Another prominent highlight of the metaverse is persistence. As we know, the metaverse is based on the virtual world. And to enter into the virtual world of metaverse, you have to put on VR headsets.

However, what will happen, if you take the VR headsets off? Does the world stop there? No, the metaverse keeps running even if you have plugged off the headsets.

So, basically, unlike the internet which can be closed or shut down at any moment, metaverse cannot be shut down or put away instantly.

“It’s an Infinite World That Never Rests Just Like the Real World.” For whatever purpose the metaverse is created it’s going to stay as long as the technology exists.

Get Your Own Digital Avatar

Digital avatar? Yes, that’s surprising! But, you can create digital avatars in the metaverse for unusually expressing your emotions and feelings.

You can even create personalized digital avatars, where you can create a replica of your favorite superhero! Imagine there’s a total internet base of 658 million users creating their digital avatars and exploring the metaverse, sharing knowledge and interacting with each other. It would truly be a revolutionary experience. 

Companies Building Up Metaverse

There is no single company that owns Metaverse. Mainly, the metaverse is not a platform or channel. For metaverse to turn into reality, a combination of creators, developers, and organizations needs to get involved in building it. 

Here are some of the renowned companies associated with building the metaverse:

Facebook metaverse:

After rebranding to Meta, Facebook has released and announced initiatives that will help in building metaverse that include VR messaging, Libra Project, Horizon Marketplace, etc.

Epic Games:

Epic Games, a renowned company, has announced a funding of $1 billion for the growth of Metaverse.


Microsoft, the world’s largest software company, has announced the launch of Mesh in 2022. This solution will allow organizations to create a virtual world for people to collaborate using virtual avatars as their digital identity. 


Nike, a shoe brand, is also making a metaverse play wherein they are filling digital trademarks of its main logos for creating Nike gears and sneakers, where players can play and enjoy sports games.


The Binance NFT market offers artists, buyers and sellers, and creators the to trade virtual assets from multiple blockchains, supporting compatibility between metaverse ecosystems.

The Bottom Line

Metaverse is gradually becoming a reality. It can make its way into our day-to-day routine, from gaming and movies to real-world applications used for navigation.

Frankly speaking, the concept of the metaverse is in its early development stage, but for now, we can say that it has potential.

The Author

I am an experienced content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative pieces across various industries. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, I honed my skills over the years to deliver high-quality content that resonates with audiences. My dedication to excellence and commitment to meeting deadlines make her a valuable asset to any project.