What Is DevOps?

Updated on 5 December 2023 6 min Read
What Is DevOps

DevOps is basically a set of tools, practices and the philosophy to automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It focuses on team empowerment, cross-team communication, collaboration and technology automation.

The DevOps movement all began in 2007 when IT and software communities raised concerns about the traditional software development model. In this model, developers who wrote code worked apart from the operations. This term was coined after the merger of development and operations.

In this write up, we are going to discuss more about DevOps and understand how it functions and why are they useful?

How DevOps Works?

A DevOps is a combination of developers and IT operations that’s main objective is to enhance the speed and quality of the software development. It is a cultural shift and a new working way having significant implications for the team and organizations they work for.

There are no longer any pits between development and operations teams under a DevOps model. In some cases, these two teams merge into one, where engineers have a range of multidisciplinary skills and work across the entire application lifecycle — from development to testing to deployment to operations.

To increase reliability, DevOps teams use tools to automate and accelerate processes. Teams can tackle important DevOps fundamentals, such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and collaboration, with a DevOps toolchain.

There are times when DevOps values are applied to teams other than development. Security is integrated into the development process when security teams adopt a DevOps approach, it’s called DevSecOps.

Related: What is the Connection Between IoT and DevOps?

Benefits of DevOps

Checkout the benefits of DevOps:


Drive business results more efficiently by moving at high velocity so you can innovate faster for customers, adapt better to changing markets, and grow more efficiently. These results can be achieved through the DevOps model. Microservices and continuous delivery, for instance, enable teams to take ownership of services and then release updates quickly.

Rapid Delivery

Your product can be innovated and improved faster if you increase the frequency and pace of your releases. You can build competitive advantage and respond to your customers’ needs faster if you release new features and fix bugs quickly. Automating the software release process, from build to deployment, is what continuous integration and continuous delivery are all about.

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Maintain a positive user experience while delivering application updates and infrastructure changes at a faster pace. Test each change for functionality and safety using practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery. You can stay informed about performance in real-time by monitoring and logging practices.


Scale your infrastructure and development processes. Consistency and automation make it easier to manage complex and changing systems efficiently and safely. Infrastructure as code, for example, facilitates repeatable and efficient management of development, testing, and production environments.

Improved Collaboration

Develop a DevOps culture that emphasizes values such as ownership and accountability to create more effective teams. The operations and development teams work closely together, share many responsibilities, and combine their workflows. Inefficiencies are reduced and time is saved (e.g., reduced handover periods between developers and operations, code that takes into account the environment). 

Related: Unleashing The Full Potential of Containerization for DevOps and Avoiding First-Time Pitfalls


Maintain control and compliance while moving quickly. Using automated compliance policies, fine-grained controls, and configuration management techniques, you can adopt a DevOps model without sacrificing security. As an example, you can define and track compliance at scale using infrastructure as code and policy as code.

Why DevOps Matters?

Shopping, entertainment, and banking have all been transformed by software and the Internet. In today’s business environment, software is more than just a support system; it is an integral component of every aspect.

Customers interact with companies through software delivered as online services or applications. By transforming all aspects of the value chain, such as logistics, communications, and operations, they also increase operational efficiencies. Today’s companies must transform how they build and deliver software in a similar way to how physical goods companies changed how they design, build, and deliver products during the 20th century.

Microservices and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can provide faster development and innovation, but they can also increase operational workloads. In order to ease the burden, it’s best to build out a strong foundation of automation, configuration management and continuous delivery practices. 

Using tools too much can distract teams from the team and organizational foundations of DevOps. Having established a structure, the next step should be to establish processes and teams, and then to establish tools.                                                                                                                                                                     


DevOps has many benefits, according to the report. Now, software changes can be deployed into production in a matter of hours instead of days, weeks, or months. As a result, business models have been transformed at a faster rate, resulting in greater business agility. As a result of DevOps, downtime has been reduced and business resilience has improved.

The Author

I am an experienced Marketing Manager at MilesWeb UK, a leading web hosting company in the UK. With extensive knowledge in web hosting, WordPress, digital marketing, and web development, I'm committed to helping businesses succeed online. His expertise and enthusiasm for the digital world make him a valuable asset in the constantly changing field of online marketing.